My Top 10 of 2012

  1. The birth of Nina at 15:06 on Jan 18th, 2012. She was born on her due date.
  2. Interviewed by ABC Radio National to talk about Chinglish and English/Mandarin languages and cultures (together with my fellow Chinglisher Mark Taylor), and it went on air on the last Sunday of 2012.Here is a link to listen to the interview.
  3. Two three-month visits of my  mother and my mother-in-law respectively at the beginning and end of the year. Each visit amplifies how culturally hybrid our little family has become (another way of saying how messed up we have become :)). Some thoughts/reading/research on a trilingual family is posted on this blog, with many more to come.
  4. Climbed the Sydney Harbour Bridge with Nicolas for his birthday.
  5. Had a car accident on the same day. Fortunately nothing happened to the passenger (Nina!) and the driver (myself).
  6. Became property owner for the first time in my life.
  7. Moved the house when Nina was 9 weeks old.
  8. The first hour of 2012 I, heavily pregnant, was on a harbour cruise with Nicolas, watching fireworks. The last hour of 2012, I was waiting for the fireworks to start on a great vantage point from north shore. Fabulous way to start and finish the year.
  9. Took 6 months off work on maternity leave, did the best I could, and got the most out of it.
  10. Went back to scuba diving in Fiji after a year and half’s being away. What a bless!

1 Comment

  • Zhou Yi

    January 6, 2013 at 10:21 pm Reply

    I enjoyed listening to the interview and it was good to hear your voice again. What a fruitful year! Well done!

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